I just had a baby three days ago, my milk just came in today, the first two days I had my baby I tried to breast feed her with the help of a lactation but she was not latching on right and when colostrum started coming out she seemed to still be fussy and wanted more milk so I gave in out of frustration and gave her formula.
I told the lactation that I had a breast pump at home and would be using it to express milk if the baby had already gotten use to bottles…at least she would still be getting breast milk even if it wasn’t directly from my breasts. But when I tried to pump when I got home, no milk is coming out, my breasts are sore and they leak and there are lumps where the lactation said was milk ducts but still no milk like I expected…I tried to also get the baby to feed to try and relieve my breasts but she refused. How do I solve this problem, and get the breast pump to work. I have playtex double electric breast pump. This is my First baby, and I am clueless even with two days of help from the lactation nurse. Breast feeding is harder then I thought, but I really want to breast feed my baby. HELP
Just Had A Baby, Breast Milk Just Came In But Having Trouble Getting The Milk To Express?