Hiya, I am looking for some advice and help about expressing breast milk as this is what i am looking to do once my baby arrives as due to univeristy I am going to be unable to breastfeed my baby all the time.
heres my questions i would appreciate some advice
1. what breast pump would you recommend?
2.would you advise to pump breast milk for that day on the same day?
3. If i was to pump breast milk could i then go ahead and feed it too my baby straight away or would i need to heat it up first? (as i know it will be my body temp when it comes out but i would imagine by the time i have pumped out a bottle full it wouldnt be the same temp)
4.would you advise to stick with just bottle feeding with breast milk rather than going from breast to bottle as i have heard it can cause a few problems with confusion
5.what happens when you go out for the day can you carry breast milk in the same way as you would formula milk in a cooler or is this not good for breast milk?
I know some of those questions may sound really dumb but im new to this and could really do with some help
Thank you
Expressing Breast Milk Help?