I’m 5 months pregnant and almost 18.I know that breastfeeding is the best.I am not feeding her in public,just in me and my boyfriends room.I will be at home most of the time except for about 3 to 4 hours on week days for college.When in a public situation where I can’t get privacy,I am going to give the baby formula.On average it will probably get formula fed 2 times a day..mainly formula fed on weekends at visits to our family..I really don’t want to get a breast pump and have to store it in special bags and all that..I think it will be easier to be formula fed when other people are minding her..
Did anyone succeed in doing this?
NB how many bottles will I need to buy?I have 2 already?
PS I will breast feed through the night of course.
ALSO how long does a feed last for a newborn on breast and on bottle?
This Is What I Am Doing,will It Work?