I am 36 weeks pregnant with my first child, and no’one in my family has ever breastfed before so I really have no’one to turn to on this topic. I plan on being a stay at home mother and will only be using a breast pump occasionally in case we ever need a sitter, for outings (the idea of breastfeeding in public scares me a little!), long road trips, travel (my family lives 3000 miles away), and so my husband can also aid in the feeding of our daughter as well. I have been reading reviews religiously and I’m still undecided on which pump would be best for me. I would like an electric pump, preferably a single so I can pump while feeding my daughter. I have heard that medela is a wonderful brand from multiple friends who have breastfeed in the past and was wondering if anyone has tried the medela swing? It has terrific reviews and that is currently the direction I’m leaning towards. I don’t want to spend over $175 for something I will be using so rarely. So If you have used this pump, or there is another you swear by please share your opinions with me. Thank you!