They sting very bad when I begin pumping but the sting dies down a little after the first few minutes but they hurt a lost still throughout the pumping. I do get a little pain at first with breast feeding but not quite that much and it feels better after the first few minutes. But I’m really worried, they hurt so bad that I feel like I don’t even want to pump when I start but I must. I tried minimizing the time I pump but that doesn’t help and neither does lansinoh cream help much anymore. When i first started I did have a little pain but it wasn’t that bad and would go away. Now my nipples always feel tender and just hurt so bad when I pump them. I barely breast feed though since my baby is in the hospital from surgery. I started producing less milk around the same time my nipples began hurting more, it’s been about 4 1/2 weeks since I’ve given birth. I first attributed the lessened milk production to the stress of my baby having heart surgery, but I’m not sure that’s the only reason because now my nipples hurt more and more each day and I’m making less and less milk. I was wondering if the fact that my nipples hurt so much is why my breast wont make more milk as well, since they are swollen like that and hurting it makes it hard for the milk to come out, recently I had to press down hard on my breasts to start getting the milk out since I hardly experience a let down in my breasts anymore. I’ve even started taking fenugreek to try and help produce more milk, around 12 pills a day, and at first it seemed to keep me from losing my milk completely and even helped get back some but now it’s dwindling again, sometimes I will make around 35-40 mls and all the way down to only 10 mls from both sides combined, and the pain is excruciating. I’m just really worried and don’t know what to do. They get red and swollen and I think a little cracked looking and the lansinoh cream doesn’t do much to help anymore but I have not been experiencing high fevers or anything indicative of an infection so I’m pretty sure that isn’t the case. I’ve been asking nurses all the time and searching online and can’t come up with any answers.